Dear Members
I am writing to invite you to the next meeting of the Conservative Policy Forum.
Our next meeting will be the first CPF meeting after the general election. It will be a new start and we are preparing an interesting topic for discussion.
Many our members may remember that in 2017-2018 we identified and discussed the Conservative values that define who we are and inspire our policies. As we rebuild following the general election, we want to know what you and other Members think of these values and how we might better embed them in all aspects of the Party and its activities.
We will be considering the topic of Conservative Values in Policy-Making. A summary of responses to this discussion paper will be sent to the Party Chairman and CPF Chairman.
The meeting will be held at Griffin (Stamford Road, Bowdon WA14 2TP) at 7 pm for one hour and a half on Thursday 26th June 2024.
To make the meeting viable we require a critical number of attendees so it would be greatly appreciated if you could confirm your attendance to me at Shengke.Zhi@trafford.gov.uk by Monday 23rd Sep 2024.
I do hope you are able to attend.
Attached here is the briefing paper for your reference.
Cllr Dr Shengke Zhi
Chair of Altrincham and Sale West CPF
Councillor for the Bowdon Ward
Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council