Dear Member
I am writing to invite you to the next meeting of the Conservative Policy Forum.
Following the success of our first "Pub & Policy" style meeting, we will have our next meeting in a similar format at Griffin Bowdon at 7 pm for one hour and a half on Wednesday 23rd Aug.
We will be considering the topic of The Future of Deregulation and Artificial Intelligence. As always, A summary of responses to this discussion paper will be sent to the Prime Minister, Party Chairman and CPF Chairman.
Topic: The Future of Deregulation and Artificial Intelligence
Time: 7 pm, 23rd Aug, Wednesday
Venue: Griffin Bowdon, Stamford Rd, Bowdon, Altrincham WA14 2TP
We list a recent example for your reference, below:
To make the meeting viable we require a critical number of attendees so it would be greatly appreciated if you could confirm your attendance to me at Shengke.Zhi@trafford.gov.uk by Monday 21st Aug 2023.
I do hope you are able to attend.
Attached here is the briefing paper for your reference.
Best Wishes
Cllr Dr Shengke Zhi