At the end of 2021, the CPF published its first yearbook. It aimed to capture a picture of the Policy Forum's activity through the year. As our first yearbook, it also reflected somewhat on the journey the CPF has made in recent years. Much of the content consisted of the winning ideas submitted by CPF members as part of our ongoing efforts to gather original policy proposals from the Party's grassroots. If you have an idea for a Conservative policy that you think would help to transform lives for the better, then be sure to submit it using our policy submission form. If it captures the imagination of the Party's policymakers, you might even be invited to pitch your idea for debate at Party conference or your proposal might feature in our next yearbook! In the meantime, why not draw inspiration from last year's yearbook? As ever with CPF, the policy ideas that it contains are proposals from our members to our leaders, not official policy from either the Party or the Government. But if you’re looking for an interesting, thought-provoking (and perhaps even challenging) set of proposals, this is a good place to start.
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